Barbie Dream House Party

Barbie Dream house Party : Allow Your Little Lady To Celebrate In Style

Your little princess’s birth is approaching. This has resulted into a deep craving in you to give her something special. How about going to a Barbie Dream house party? Yes, it’s true organizing a birthday event involves a lot of cost. However, there are ways and means by which you can keep this expense to bare minimum.

For instance, you can avoid using store-bought Barbie paraphernalia. This way you do not have to spend more on getting expensive items. Similar is the case with choosing color. Refrain from using hot pink. Instead, settle for black. This will give a natural feel and your kid is going to love it.

There are several other alternatives you can try. The following are some of the options:

Make The Cake On Your Own

You do not have to be a master chef. Neither do you need to possess excellent culinary skills as well. Just make a rosette cake and stick a Barbie in it. Of course make sure you have given the correct shape. If you think you are not giving this shape, you can take help of a Barbie baking pan. Just avoid adding pudding in the cake mix. If you do so, chances are it might not rise high enough. You can use the left-over cake to hide any unwanted portion of the body. This way you can always get a decent Barbie cake made at home!

You Can Decorate The Table

A lot of parents make the same mistake. They spread the food items in the kitchen. Instead of that, try to spread it on the table. This will result into an excellent backdrop that is much better than those kitchen cabinets. The best part – the children all have a lot of fun while eating food items.

Make Best Use Of Candle Holders

Did you ever think even the candle holders can be turned into an excellent decorating item? Just try placing white or pink tissue pompoms on these. This way the stands meant for food can be converted into bowls turned upside-down and giving plates on the top of them. Now, decorating candle holders cannot get better than this, isn’t it?

Give A Touch Of Black Barbie Silhouettes

Your little daughter deserves the best. You can achieve this objective simply by incorporating black Barbie silhouettes. Arrange for this by cutting few pieces of them from your own Silhouette. Thereafter, place them around your house. Not only this. You can even place them on popcorn containers. These containers are readily available in a store near you.

Serve Food Delicacies Children Like

Children are always more than happy to attend such parties. After all, it gives them an opportunity to savor finest food delicacies. Therefore, why not serve them pretzels with Melted Hershey’s Hugs. Once you have made it, place a Pink Silet preferably in the middle.

Likewise, you can serve popcorn. Just do not settle for ordinary popcorn. You can make special one. For instance, choose popcorn with sprinkles and white chocolate.

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