Pasta Party

4 Never Heard Before Facts About Pasta Party

When we talk about foods, the likes and dislikes are plenty. Some like to eat spicy whereas some like non-spicy. Similarly, some love to eat vegetarian while others just love non-vegetarian. As a result, people interested to organize a party are in two minds when they sit down to decide on food items to be served.

If you too find yourself in such a dilemma regarding your Pasta Party, you will find below 4 never heard before facts.

  1. Make Proper Selection Of Invites

Well, it is true you are eagerly waiting to organize this party. It is no different from Go For The Gold party in one respect. This is to do with the party invite you need to send.

Are you interested to send a pasta-perfect invite? Don’t worry; you don’t need to possess rocket science know-how to achieve this goal. Just be smart and opt for the online mode. You can find several online stores that offer party invite. Just download and print them. Isn’t this very simple and easy?

  1. Don’t Forget To Create A Tables cape

With some imagination, you can always come up with brilliant centerpieces. For instance, please get holds of couple of mismatched clear vases lying around unused. Fill the same with different varieties of colorful pasta. Make sure to utilize long spaghetti strands. And yes, use it to give shape of a Baby’s Breath of the pasta bouquet.

Remember – the decor items you employ to decorate the table ought to be perfect. Ideally, you need to choose something like white and red checkered tablecloths. Likewise, make sure to procure the colorful plastic colanders. These are very helpful in holding the mini Italian flags and the pasta.

  1. Keep The Table Visually Interesting

Please note you will have a wide range of guests. Their preference for pasta too could vary. You don’t want to make them feel offended in case they do not find their choice of pasta in Mardi Gras party, right? Naturally, the million dollar question is –how to attain this objective?

The answer is – simply opt for four or five different pastas. Make sure to have them in various colors and shapes. It will definitely help in getting the desired visual effect.

To be on the safe side, why not go for the popular options? The most popular options include bow ties, spaghetti and penne. If you are looking for a wackier one, just choose the wagon wheels or pirates.

  1. Having An Appetizer Station Is A Brilliant Choice

You want your guests of this Casino Night party to remember the event forever, isn’t it? Why not give a traditional touch to the food you serve? Just incorporate an antipasto tray as this is regarded as the first course of the meal. Make sure to offer the antipasto kebabs as these are liked by everyone.

Place the kebabs rightfully. For instance, make them stand in a nice mason jar. Alternatively, you can even lay them on top of the bed of the dried pasta. Whichever alternative you choose, be least assured your guest will love them. You can see them grabbing easily as they try to mingle with other guests in Cowboys and Indians party.

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